Brewers’ plan on dumping Estrada and signing Kendall

After their horrible trade with the Mets, sending Johnny Estrada in return of Guillermo Mota, they have reached agreement with Jason Kendall – who has played with the Athletics in the beginning of the season then traded to the Cubs. In my opinion, this would be a success in Brewers’ point of view. After Estrada’s clash with his manager Ned Yost during the season, it was expected from the Brewers to dump Johnny Estrada. But getting Guillermo Mota in return was just absurd. Jason Kendall is a nice replacement indeed, but the Brewers could have got a better return from trading Estrada. I am thinking that Brewers were trying to send Estrada a “F*** you” message from this trade, and for messing with their manager.

Johnny Estrada and Ned Yost

Estrada’s Statistics:

.278BA 10HR 54RBI .296OBP .403SLG

Horrible, horrible eye, his difference between batting average and on-base-percentage is so small. It almost scares me. In my opinion he belongs in the bottom of the lineup.

Jason Kendall’s 2007 statistics:

.242BA 3HR 41RBI 3SB .301OBP .309SLG

If it wasn’t for his awful first half with the Athletics this season, his stats would look far better. With the Athletics, he had .226 batting average with .286 on-base-percentage. After he has been traded he has .270 batting average and .362 on-base-percentage. Back to his old self, proving that he is a National League hitter.

It is a good signing by the Brewers.

Published in: on November 21, 2007 at 10:01 pm  Comments (1)  

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