How the fans and experts should react to Bonds’ new Homerun Record

How are the fans and the experts reacting to Barry Bonds’ new homerun record? On August of 2007, Bonds’ 756th career homerun, created turmoil to the Major League Baseball officials, experts, and fans.

            According to SF, Bonds started using steroids because he was jealous of players breaking the single season homerun record by taking steroids. An MLB pitcher, Curt Schilling said that steroid uses were common, and players who didn’t use it were often frustrated. Barry Bonds denied that he took steroids and said he thought what he was taking was flaxseed oil and pain relievers. His former lover, Kimberly Bell, Bonds told her that he was taking steroids, and it was causing injuries because his joints weren’t able to handle the newly grown muscles. For further evidence, Gary Sheffield went over to Bonds’ house in 2001 off-season to train together, and he got injured so he had to get treated. Bonds told his trainer, Anderson to give him the “healing crea”, and said the cream was no different than Neosporin you buy at Rite Aid, but only it works faster. After that incident, Gary Sheffield was also accused of taking steroids.

            . On August of 2007, the owner of Bonds’ 756th homerun ball created a poll in his site for people to decide on the ball’s fate. 34% of people voted to bestow it to Cooperstown, 47% of people voted to brand an asterisk on it before sending, and 19% of people voted to send it into space. So the ball was eventually branded an asterisk, then it was sent to the Hall of Fame. In a poll in, 33% of fans voted that Bonds is innocent and the other 73% thinks he cheated. These votes mean that the majority of fans think Bonds did use steroids and he did cheat. How can a hitter, who has not hit more than 50 homeruns until he was 36 years old, bulked up with muscles and hit 73 homeruns, and call it “good exercising” and “good eating habits”? People are saying that is scientifically not possible, and Bonds’ excuse- (he said that he did not know that what he was using was steroids) is a lie to keep his reputation clean.

            Like the ESPN sports expert, Keith Law said, “Barry Bonds is the new home run king, period… he’ll have the highest total until someone else breaks his record in turn.” We should accept him as the all time homerun leader. Because complaining and constantly accusing Bonds will not make the record any better. Whatever he did to break Hank Aaron’s unbreakable homerun record, We should forget about it and wait until someone else breaks it.

Published in: on November 21, 2007 at 8:33 pm  Comments (4)  

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